Tribute to John

John passed away peacfully at Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society Cancer Rehab Centre in Wong Chuk Hang on 26 October at 3:00 am.

You are welcome to leave your tribute to John (or to most of us Mr. Watts) on this site.

Should you wish to share some old photos with John on this site, please send an email with the photos and your message that you wish to appear on this site to and one of the administrators will help you post them on the site.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Bye (for now).

Dear Sir,
I'm sure you will agree with me that life is far from perfect? Aren't we supposed to meet today to talk about 'things'? Had Mr. Mak not called me after fulfilling your outrageous request on a portion of fish and chips on Wednesday, I would have visited you that evening!

Alas, perhaps it works out better for us this way, saving you from seeing my teary face! I asked myself repeatedly, 'What were you supposed to talk to me about?'

My first thought was that you wanted to give me your classical collection, having seen how my eyeballs were fixated on your discs whenever I was at your place(s)! I would have welcomed that with both arms but it is nothing compared to the priceless knowledge you had embarked on me throughout the past 17 years. For one, you taught me how to write (with no disrespect to my other English teachers). In our post Raimondi encounters, you have enlightened me on subjects as varied as Hooliganism, Hampton Treatment Works, British Politics, European History, Camp Craft, Language, Hi-fi, Persian Carpets, Girls from Belilios Public School, Girls from Sweden and (Stupid) Girls from California at that Canadian Hostel.

My second thought was that you wanted to discuss the specifics about the Big Reunion. I feel honoured that you have picked me to coordinate on the Raimondian end, and do not worry, Sir, the Big Reunion is in good hands. It’s amazing that less than 24 hours after you left us, this site has cramped up 2,500+ views. I’m sure that you will have a lot of company when the day comes!

Sir, from all the comments on Facebook and here, it is evident that you have changed the lives for the better of so many, including mine. Your departure may have been agonisingly premature, but your legacy has lived on – through the thousands of students who will eternally be grateful for the marks you left on their lives.

Bye (for now).


Tommy Chiu (96 – S4A, 97 – S5A)

Photo taken at the former Governor's House during the AYP Gold Award Ceremony for Edwin, Edward and Chu in 2000

From left: Edwin Jeu, Mr. Mak, Mr. Watts, Tommy Chiu, Edward Mo,  Law Kwok Chu

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