Mr John Watts. Where should I start?
I still remember the day when he confiscated the comic book I was reading during an English oral lesson in my Secondary 2 - his first year returning to Raimondi. I was terribly happy when I knew that he would be my English teacher in Secondary 3. Well, I still am, because that was what really started our friendship that lasted for 11 or so years. Too short if you asked me.
I remember him playing pop music (including Eminem's Lose Yourself) to train our listening skills, and for some reason I always knew those lyrics by heart and managed to finish the worksheet before he even started playing the song. I remember when we went on a camping trip and almost got killed by Wingjai (he still insists that the compressed gas canister was empty when he threw it in the fire). I remember buying him Galaxy Chocolate milk and Benedict Bittermint from UK. But the most i remember was the chats we had.
I remember when I (along with Wingjai) would almost always skip at least half of the following lesson because we'd just leave the classroom and chat with him about pretty much everything. The chats slowly lengthened, and included new timeslots - before school, after school, recess, lunch, supper, evenings, weekends, holidays, and new locations - corridors in schools became cafes, countrysides, and of course, his flats, from Arbuthnot Road, to Lower Albert Road, Aberdeen, Lamma Island, and finally Elgin Street.
We talked about how he thought Nikon's DX format and the D2X and the DX lenses were awesome and that you didn't need full frame. A year or so later he bought the D700, a full frame Nikon.
We talked about how his Panasonic LC1 (aka Leica Digilux 2)was an awesome camera and is a Leica but for less money, and we talked how the he'll buy the Leica D-lux 6 (aka Panasonic LX7) because he'll never buy a Panasonic but the Panasonic LX7 really is an awesome camera ("f/1.4!", he said, "and dpreview gives it the silver award!"). Pity he'll never get to play with one.
I remember how wonderful it felt when he gave me his approval for my photography and declared that it is time for me to get myself a DSLR (I was using a Nikon Coolpix 5400 at that time). I went and got a D70s (Nikon, no less)
I remember he bought a Fujifilm S602Z and an IBM ThinkPad X41 Tablet upon my recommendation, and didn't like either of them too much because they were too slow in real life (sorry!)
I remember him insisting his Sony Vaio s-whatever-it-was laptop produced better sounding audio files from CDs.
I remember him talking about how his speakers (LS3/5A) were designed by the BBC for monitoring live classical music concert broadcasts in their broadcasting vans (i.e. enclosed environment), and therefore are awesome for the tiny flats in Hong Kong.
Speaking of flats, I remember how I love the interior decoration of his flats. I even asked him about what the colours in my room should be, because I really like his taste in these sort of thing.
Those days are now long gone. I look forward to the day when we can have these sort of chats again.
So long, my very dear friend. Thank you very much. It is an absolute honour to be a friend of yours.
Raimondi College Form 5 Graduate (2004)